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Are you facing the difficult task of laying off your employees? We help your employees find new jobs and simplify the process.

Manage your transition effectively 

We can help outgoing employees find new jobs. We will reduce your costs and guarantee your reputation in the labour market.


What is outplacement?

Outplacement is an employer-sponsored benefit designed to help laid-off workers transition to another job or career. 


It focuses on improving the skills needed for re-employment.

Benefits of Outplacement

You will improve your reputation, reduce the concerns of the remaining employees and keep them engaged. You will reduce the cost of unemployment. 

New job
Applicants in the waiting room

How does outplacement work?

Professional career counselors and coaches provide individual counseling to employees who take advantage of the program, either in person, over the phone, or online. 

Need more information?

Contact us for free consultation

Our senior consultants will provide you all the necessary information to help you understand whole service

Katarina Radu
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